Balkan and Near Eastern Journal of Social Sciences
2022: 08 (01)
BNEJSS 2022 (08) 01 - Cover Page and Contents
Inner Cover (Indexing)
Articles |
Page Number |
H.Bayram İRHAN Relation Between Flexicurity and Gini Coefficient: COVİD-19 Era Assessment and Sample Analysis of The OECD Countries |
1-10 |
Coşkun DOĞAN, Meral ARICAN, Özer ERARTSIN İçme ve Kullanma Suyu Üzerine Bir İnceleme: Yeşilce Örneği An Investigation on Drinking and Potable Water: The Example of Yeşilce |
11-18 |
Çiğdem Turaç GÜNDÜZ, Hikmet ASUTAY |
19-23 |
Filiz TEPE, Cansel ÖZER, Havva Ece SALALI, Nevin DEMİRBAŞ Changing in Consumers' Food Shopping Behaviors During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Cases of Bursa and Eskisehir Provinces |
24-30 |
Müslim AKKUŞ Okul Yöneticilerinin Sorumlu Liderlik Özelliklerinin Öğretmenlerin İş Tatminleri Üzerindeki Etkisi The Effect of School Administrators Responsible Leadership Traits on Teachers Job Satisfaction |
31-35 |
Muzaffer Kerem SAVRAN, Nevin DEMİRBAŞ Türkiye’de Zeytinden Katma Değerli Ürün Geliştirme Stratejisinin SWOT Analiziyle Değerlendirilmesi Evaluation of Value Added Product Development Strategy from Olive in Turkey with SWOT Analysis |
36-42 |
Ömer AKKAN Okul Yöneticilerinde Kişi Örgüt Uyumunun Kariyer Tatmini Üzerine Etkisi The Effect of Person-Organization Harmony on Career Satisfaction in School Administrators |
43-47 |
Uğur KAFALI Okul Yöneticilerinin Okul Kültürünün Oluşturulmasındaki Rolü The Role Of School Managers In Creating School Culture |
48-56 |
Gıyaseddin OKUYAN, Ahmet SAYLIK Examination of Classroom Teachers' Competencies in Teaching Students with a Diagnosed Learning Disability and Psychological Well-Being According to Demographic Characteristics |
57-66 |
Ramazan ÇELİK Metaverse Nedir? Kavramsal Değerlendirme ve Genel Bakış What Is The Metaverse? Conceptual Evaluation And Overview |
67-74 |
Volkan ACAR, Seyfettin ÜNAL Multi-Teorik Portföy Optimizasyonu: Oyun Teorisi ile Bir Uygulama Multi-Theoretical Portfolio Optimization: A Game Theory Application |
75-83 |
Ayşe Merve URFA, Esin CAN |
84-93 |
Anıl ÖZDEN, Övgün PALAZ, Duran GÜLER, Şule IŞIN The Effects of Input Prices on the Production Decisions of Cotton Producers: The Case of Menemen, Izmir |
94-100 |
Gentisa FURXHI, Sonela STILLO, Marinela TENEQEXHI |
101-105 |
Rasim YILMAZ The Impact of the FX-protected Turkish Lira Deposits on the Turkish Economy: A Short-Term Analysis |
106-114 |
Yazım Kuralları |