Balkan and Near Eastern Journal of Social Sciences
2024: 10 (04)
BNEJSS 2024 (10) 04 - Cover Page and Contents
Inner Cover (Indexing)
Articles |
Page Number |
Mervenur YILMAZ, Mecit Ömer AZABAĞAOĞLU |
1-12 |
Ali Umut ÜNAL |
13-29 |
30-36 |
Jelena TAST, Mite MITEVSKI |
37-43 |
Angel SAROV, Iliyana PETROVA |
44-51 |
İlknur ESKİN Evaluation of Food Banks in the Context of Sustainable Development Goals from the Perspective of the Turkish Tax and Accounting System |
52-61 |
Deniz KARAELMAS, H. Burçin HENDEN ŞOLT Yeşil Çatıların Sürdürülebilir Kentler ve Biyoçeşitlilik Üzerine Etkileri Impacts of Green Roofs on Sustainable Cities and Biodiversity |
62-68 |
Ahmet AKTUNA, İpek Karabacak AKTUNA Tüketicilerin Otel Tercihlerinde Sosyal Medya Pazarlamasının Önemi: Tekirdağ Örneği The Importance of Social Media Marketing in Consumers' Hotel Preferences: A Case Study in Tekirdağ |
69-86 |
Alpay HEKİMLER Trade Union Rights of Pensioners in Germany, Austria and Switzerland -A Structure Differing from Turkish Practice- |
87-99 |
100-104 |
Dejan ZDRAVESKI, Kosta SOTIROSKI, Petar AVRAMOVSKI, Margarita JANESKA Cloud Computing as a New Paradigm for Academic Staff in Macedonian Universities |
105-113 |
Sezen HASKUKA ABDULLAHİ, Şenay BULUT PEDÜK Examining the Effect of Preschool Children s Adjustment with Family Relationships on Children’s Psychological Well- Being: The Mediating Effect of Psychological Well- Being |
114-125 |
Resül YAZICI Türkiye'de Fiyat İstikrarının Sağlanmasında Kurumsal Yapı ve Yönetişimin Önemi The Importance of Institutional Structure and Governance in Ensuring Price Stability in Turkey |
126-132 |
Yazım Kuralları |