Balkan and Near Eastern Journal of Social Sciences
2020: 06 (03)
BNEJSS 2020 (06) 03 - Cover Page and Contents
Inner Cover (Indexing)
Articles |
Page Number |
Kemal ERGAN, İsmail KIZILIRMAK, Senem ERGAN Gastronomik Ürünlerin Destinasyon Seçimine Olan Etkisi: Edirne İli Örneği The Effect of Gastronomic Products on Destination Choice: The Sample of Edirne Province |
1-10 |
Hüseyin DİKME, İpek SUCU Giyim Modası Olgusu ve Moda Programlarında Yaşam Tarzı Sunumları The Concept of Clothing Fashion and Lifestyle Presentations in Fashion Programs |
11-17 |
Esra Karapinar KOCAĞ |
18-25 |
Seyfettin ÜNAL, Sezgin KOYUN Finansal Tutum ve Yaşam Tatmininin Demografik Faktörlerle İlişkisi: Örnek Olay İncelemesi The Relationship of Financial Attitude and Life Satisfaction with Demographic Indicators: A Case Study |
26-32 |
Havva ARABACI, Duygu YÜCEL, Gülizar ASLAN Finansal Kırılganlıklar: Türkiye Bankacılık Sektörü İncelemesi Financial Fragility: Turkey Banking Sector Analysis |
33-39 |
Harun DAYSAL, Nevin DEMİRBAŞ Hanehalkı Gıda İsrafının Nedenleri ve Azaltılması İçin Öneriler: İzmir İli Örneği Causes of Household Food Waste and Suggestions for Reduction: A Case Study from İzmir |
40-47 |
Birce Yağmur ŞENPİRE, Hikmet ASUTAY Resimli Kitaplardaki Cadı Kavramının Yeri ve Önemi The Importance and Place of the Concept of Witch in Education in Illustrated Books |
48-54 |
Cumhur ŞAHİN Çevrecilikle Uyumlu Çağdaş Bir Finansal Yaklaşım: Yeşil Finans A Contemporary Approach Congenial To The Environmentalism: Green Finance |
55-58 |
Derren N. GAYLO, Manuel E. CAINGCOY, Daisy C. MUGOT Utilization of Scholarly Journal Articles in the Teaching and Learning of Teacher Education Courses |
59-66 |
Ercan YAŞAR, Orkun KÜPCÜ The Effects of Real Exchange Rate to Export Performance of Firms: Emprical Study on Firms of Different Sectors |
67-78 |
Yüksel OKŞAK, Gökhan DAĞILGAN An Empirical Analysis on the Relationship between Foreign Trade, Growth and Economic Freedom in Developed and Developing Countries |
79-89 |
Hilal Ezgi KANAR, Coşkun DOĞAN Concepts of Immigration and Immigrants Gesture, Bulgaria, the Republic of Turkey Carried Out Mass Migrations |
90-101 |
Ahmet KUBAŞ, Demet YETİŞKİN EFQM Mükemmellik Modeli’nin Tekirdağ Büyükşehir Belediyesinde Uygulanması The Implementation of the EFQM Excellence Model in Tekirdağ Metropolition Municipality |
102-106 |
Rasim YILMAZ |
107-111 |
Ahmet KUBAŞ Entrepreneurship |
112-116 |
Yazım Kuralları |