Balkan and Near Eastern Journal of Social Sciences
2021: 07 (03)
BNEJSS 2021 (07) 03 - Cover Page and Contents
Inner Cover (Indexing)
Articles |
Page Number |
Katarína BELANOVÁ SMEs' Access to Bank Loans in Slovakia During the Coronavirus Crisis |
1-8 |
Münire TEMEL, Sibel ÇAYNAK, Nur Elçin BOYACIOĞLU Çingenelerin Stres Deneyimleri: Trakya’da Kalitatif Bir Çalışma The Stress Experiences of Gypsies: A Qualitative Study in Thrace |
9-16 |
Ramazan ÇELİK, Ferdal CEBE Film Posters On The Internet In Terms Of Visual Communication; A Review Of Nuri Bilge Ceylan Film Posters |
17-24 |
Şehnaz BAKIR YİĞİTBAŞ Risk ve Belirsizlik Altında Karar Verme Davranışı ve Nöroekonomi Neuroeconomics, Decision-Making Behavior under Risk and Uncertainty |
25-38 |
Şehnaz BAKIR YİĞİTBAŞ Stagflasyonun Ortaya Çıkmasında İktisat Politikalarının Rolü ve Çözüm Önerileri The Role of Economic Policies in the Emergence of Stagflation and Solution Proposals |
39-49 |
Georgiana-Loredana SCHIPOR, Cristina DUHNEA The Digital Transformation of the Finance Industry in Romania |
50-56 |
Georgiana-Loredana SCHIPOR, Cristina DUHNEA The Consumer Acceptance of the Digital Banking Services in Romania: An Empirical Investigation |
57-62 |
Eszter SOLT |
63-69 |
Şafak KURT, Fatma Özcan HAN Değişim Yönetimi ve Performansa Etkisi: Özel İşletmeler Üzerinde Bir Araştırma Change Management and Its Impact on Performance: A Study on Private Enterprises |
70-83 |
Arta KUCI Building Destination Image Through Events: The Impact of Events on City Image |
84-88 |
Ildikó KOVÁCS, Judit Beke LISÁNYI, Marietta Balázsné LENDVAI Sustainable Consumption Scales: Measuring Young Customers’ Sustainable Food Consumption Behaviour |
89-93 |
Pavlina DIMITROVA Current Issues Regarding the Insurance of Agricultural Corps in Bulgaria |
94-98 |
Dilber YILDIZ, Şöhret AKTEPE DAL Tekirdağ İli Dimi Dokumaları Örneği Üzerinden Giysi ve Tekstil Tasarımına Çağdaş Yorumlar Modern Of Surface And Clothing Designs Through The Example Interpretations Of Twill Fabric In Tekirdağ Province |
99-115 |
Dilan YELÖRGÜ The Effect of Childhood Traumas, Adult Attachment Styles, and Psychological Well-Being on Women’s Sexual Satisfaction |
116-130 |
Cüneyt KOYUNCU, Yüksel OKŞAK Türkiye’de Elektrik Tüketimi, Kentleşme ve Kırsallaşma: Uzun Dönemli Analiz Electric Consumption, Urbanization and Ruralization in Turkey: Long-run Analysis |
131-139 |
Yazım Kuralları |